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Get Ahead with Your 30 60 90 Day Social Media Marketing Plan

Having a well-structured plan is crucial for success.

Implementing a 30 60 90 day social media marketing plan can significantly impact your brand’s online presence and community engagement.

If you stick with me, I’ll take you through the benefits of implementing a 30 60 90 day plan.

I’ll give you some examples, suggestions, and info that can help you get started and ultimately make significant progress.

Stuff like, how to identify industry-specific keywords to developing quality content that resonates with your audience, sound good?

Then hopefully, by the end of this read, you will have gained insights on how you can grow your social media presence while aligning with your long-term business goals.

Understanding the 30-60-90 Day Plan

So this is where it all starts…

Setting Goals

When creating a 30 60 90 day social media marketing plan, it’s crucial to start by setting clear and achievable goals.

These should be specific and measurable, aligning with your overall business objectives.

For instance, if one of your business goals is to increase brand awareness, your social media goal might be to reach a certain number of followers or achieve a specific level of engagement within the first 30 days.

It’s important to set realistic timelines for reaching these goals.

Strategic Implementation

The strategic implementation phase involves developing a step-by-step action plan for each stage of the 30-60-90 day plan.

This includes allocating resources effectively and creating a timeline for implementation. In the initial 30-day period, you’ll focus on laying the foundation for your social media strategy.

This could involve tasks such as optimizing all social media profiles consistently branding them while conducting thorough audience research, getting started on your content calendar, and competitive analysis.

For example, during weeks one and two of this phase, you will ensure that all your social media profiles are complete with optimized content that reflects consistent branding across different platforms.

You’ll also want to start researching your target audience’s preferences and behaviors while analyzing competitors’ strategies in order to understand what works best in the industry.

It’s All About Content

Creating diverse and engaging content is essential when implementing an effective social media marketing strategy over the course of 90 days.

During this time frame, you’ll need to develop content that resonates with your target audience across various platforms such as videos, infographics, blog posts among others.

Incorporating different formats can help keep your content fresh while appealing to different segments of your audience.

For instance, within weeks three through four – which fall under the initial 30-day period, you’ll begin developing a detailed content calendar outlining what type of posts will be shared along with their frequency timings on each platform where they’ll be published.

Remember, your goal is not just about posting but also about engaging with followers through comments or messages.

Deliverables at this stage include fully optimized sets of social media profiles complemented by comprehensive knowledge about both audiences’ preferences as well as competitor strategies.

Onboarding in Social Media

Establishing Metrics

When developing your 30 60 90 day social media marketing plan, it’s crucial to establish metrics.

Why, because these metrics will help you measure the success of your social media efforts.

You need to determine relevant metrics based on the goals set earlier.

For instance, if one of your goals is to increase brand awareness, a metric could be the number of impressions or reach.

Once you’ve identified these metrics, it’s essential to define benchmarks and targets for each one.

For example, if you aim to grow your follower count by 20% in the first 30 days, that becomes a benchmark.

You’ll also need to consider implementing tools and software to track and monitor these metrics accurately is vital for informed decision-making.

Suggested metrics & tools include:

  • Relevant metrics: Impressions, reach, engagement rate
  • Benchmarks: Follower growth percentage, click-through rate
  • Tracking tools: Social media analytics platforms like Hootsuite or Sprout Social

Defining Brand Voice

There’s also one more critical aspect of onboarding in social media and that is defining your brand voice. This involves establishing a consistent tone and messaging across all your social media platforms.

Your brand voice should reflect your brand identity while resonating with your target audience’s preferences.

To achieve this consistency, start by defining the tone and language that align with your brand identity.

If you’re a playful and youthful brand targeting Gen Z consumers, then using informal language might be suitable for engaging them effectively.

But, you’ll also need to ensure that your brand voice resonates with your target audience.

Understanding what resonates with them will help tailor content that captures their attention and encourages engagement.

When establishing your 30 60 90 day social media marketing plan, the first step is to optimize your social media profiles.

Profile Optimization

First things first, let’s get your profiles looking sharp and professional.

This means ensuring that your social media profiles are complete, consistent with your brand’s identity, and optimized for search.

It’s like setting up your digital storefront – you want it to be inviting and reflective of what your brand stands for.

Key Actions:

  • Consistent Branding: Use your logo, brand colors, and a style that matches your website and other marketing materials.
  • Compelling Bios: Write clear, engaging, and informative bios that capture your brand’s essence.
  • Contact Information: Make sure your audience can easily find a way to get in touch with you.

Audience Research

Understanding your audience is like knowing what kind of party you’re hosting. Are you going for a laid-back vibe or something high-energy?

Identifying your target audience – their preferences, behaviors, and preferred platforms – helps tailor your content to their tastes.

Key Actions:

  • Demographic Insights: Dive into the age, location, and interests of your potential audience.
  • Behavioral Trends: Look at how your audience interacts online. What content do they love, and what prompts them to engage?

Competitive Analysis

Ever peeked at what your neighbors are up to? That’s competitive analysis.

Analyzing competitor activities helps you understand what’s working well within the industry so that you can tailor aspects of their successful strategies to fit yours while also identifying gaps where they may have overlooked opportunities.

It’s about understanding what others in your industry are doing on social media. Who’s nailing it, and what can you learn from them?

Key Actions:

  • Strategy Review: Look at the types of posts, frequency, and engagement strategies your competitors are using.
  • Content Quality: Assess the creativity and relevance of their content. What can you do differently or better?

Content Calendar Development

A content calendar is your game plan. It outlines what you’ll post, when, and on which platform.

Think of it as organizing your social media content to maintain a consistent and strategic approach.

Key Actions:

  • Diverse Content Types: Plan for a mix of posts – images, videos, blogs, and interactive content.
  • Scheduling: Timing is everything. Schedule your posts for when your audience is most active.

Start Posting and Engaging

Now, the fun begins! Start sharing content that resonates with your audience. Be informative, entertaining, and true to your brand’s voice. Remember, social media is a two-way street.

Key Actions:

  • Value-Driven Posts: Share content that adds value – be it educational, inspirational, or simply entertaining.
  • Engagement: Respond to comments, messages, and engage with your audience’s content. It’s about building a community, not just a following.

As you progress into the next phase of your 30 60 90 day social media marketing plan, data analysis becomes crucial.

Refining Your Approach Based on Insights

You’ve got data – now let’s use it!

By identifying patterns, trends, and opportunities for optimization, you can refine your social media strategies based on what works best for your audience.

Analyzing the performance of your initial posts is essential during this stage. Look at which types of content resonate most with your audience.

For example, if you find that videos receive more engagement than images or links, adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Utilize data-driven decision making to refine and optimize your social media approach based on actual performance metrics.

Key Actions:

  • Performance Analysis: Look at likes, shares, comments, and reach to understand what works.
  • Adjusting Content Strategy: Use your findings to tweak your content – maybe more how-to videos or behind-the-scenes posts?

Growing Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is a key component as you move forward in the 60-day plan.

Your focus should be on fostering meaningful interactions with your target audience by encouraging comments, likes, shares, and user-generated content.

This helps create a sense of community around your brand while also increasing visibility through social sharing.

Promptly responding to inquiries and feedback further strengthens customer relationships.

When followers see that their input is acknowledged and valued, they are more likely to continue engaging with future posts from your brand.

During weeks five to eight of the plan’s timeline, it’s time for content expansion and engagement growth strategies:

Key Actions:

  • Hashtag Campaigns: Use targeted hashtags to get your content in front of the right people.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Partner with influencers or brands that align with your values to tap into new audiences.

Leveraging Paid Advertising

A little investment can go a long way.

Social media platforms offer powerful targeting tools that can help get your brand in front of potential customers.

If you haven’t dabbled in paid advertising yet, now might be the time to test the waters.

Key Actions:

  • Targeted Ads: Create ads tailored to your audience demographics and interests.
  • Budgeting Wisely: Start with a modest budget, and adjust as you learn what yields the best ROI.

Engagement – The Heart of Social Media

Engagement is still king.

Continue to interact with your audience, respond to comments, and participate in relevant conversations. This is about nurturing relationships, not just boosting numbers.

Key Actions:

  • Prompt Responses: Keep up with comments and messages. A quick response can make a big difference.
  • Community Participation: Be an active member of social media communities related to your brand.

Content – Keeping It Fresh and Relevant

Keep the content flowing, but now with more focus on what’s working.

Quality trumps quantity. Your aim should be to provide value, whether that’s through entertainment, information, or inspiration.

Key Actions:

  • Diverse Formats: Mix up your content with videos, polls, live sessions, and more.
  • Consistency: Stick to your posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and looking forward to more.

As you enter the final phase of your 30 60 90 day social media marketing plan, it’s crucial to base your decisions on data analysis and performance metrics.

By analyzing the results from the previous phases, you can identify which initiatives have had the most significant impact on your overall goals.

This allows you to prioritize these initiatives as you move forward into the final stretch of your plan. Adapting strategies based on real-time feedback is essential for maximizing results during this period.

It’s all about Strategy Refinement and Scaling, we call it “The Game Plan”

Advanced Analytics Review – Beyond the Surface

Diving deep into analytics isn’t just number-crunching; it’s about understanding the story behind the data.

  • What do your followers love?
  • What drives engagement, and what converts?

This insight is crucial for fine-tuning your strategy.

Key Actions:

  • Behavioral Analysis: Look into how users interact with your content – what they click, share, and respond to.
  • Conversion Tracking: Assess which posts and campaigns are driving leads or sales and why.

Conversion Strategies – Turning Followers into Customers

Now, we focus on the ultimate goal – conversion. It’s about moving beyond likes and shares to actual business results.

This means creating content and campaigns that encourage your audience to take the next step.

Key Actions:

  • Strong CTAs: Ensure every post has a clear call-to-action, guiding followers on what to do next.
  • Sales-Focused Campaigns: Create campaigns specifically designed to drive sales, sign-ups, or inquiries.

Long-Term Planning – Eye on the Future

The digital world is ever-evolving, and so should your strategy.

Planning for the long term involves not just doing more of what works but also experimenting with new platforms and features.

Key Actions:

  • Content Scaling: Increase the volume and variety of your content, perhaps venturing into new formats like Reels or Stories.
  • Platform Exploration: Consider expanding to new platforms where your audience might be present.

Continuous Improvement – The Path to Perfection

The end of 90 days doesn’t mean the end of your journey.

It’s a cycle of continuous improvement – regularly reviewing performance metrics, adapting to trends, and evolving with your audience’s preferences.

Key Actions:

  • Regular Reviews: Set a routine to analyze and discuss your social media performance.
  • Adaptability: Be ready to tweak your strategy in response to new trends, platform updates, or shifts in user behavior.


So that’s the 30-60-90 day plan, and hopefully you’ve gained a better understanding of how to craft your own successful 30-60-90 day social media marketing plan.

It’s all about focusing on onboarding, developing your content strategy, and amplifying your message, and then you can work your way through the challenges and make use the right tools for your marketing success.

As you embark on implementing these strategies, remember that consistency and adaptability are key.

Keep refining your approach based on the insights you gather along the way, and don’t hesitate to seek inspiration from diverse sources to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Now it’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action.

Start drafting your personalized 30-60-90 day plan, tailor it to suit your brand’s unique voice, and watch as your social media presence flourishes. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of a 30-60-90 day social media marketing plan?

A 30-60-90 day social media marketing plan provides a structured approach to building and growing your brand’s presence on social platforms.

It helps in setting clear goals, tracking progress, and adapting strategies for optimal results.

How can I effectively onboard new team members into our social media marketing strategy?

To successfully onboard new team members, provide comprehensive training on your brand’s voice, target audience, and content guidelines.

Encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure everyone is aligned with the overall objectives.

What are some common challenges when implementing a 30-60-90 day social media marketing plan?

Challenges may include identifying relevant content topics, maintaining consistent engagement levels, understanding platform algorithms, and managing time effectively.

Overcoming these hurdles requires adaptability, creativity, and continuous analysis of performance metrics.

Which tools are essential for achieving success in social media marketing?

Utilize analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Hootsuite for data-driven insights. Content creation tools such as Canva or Adobe Spark can enhance visual appeal.

Scheduling apps like Buffer or Sprout Social help maintain a consistent posting schedule.

How can I diversify my content strategy to resonate with various audience segments?

Tailor your content mix to include informative articles, engaging videos, captivating visuals (infographics/illustrations), user-generated content (testimonials/photos), interactive polls/quizzes/surveys – ensuring diversity that caters to different preferences within your target audience.

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